Genova e i suoi tesori di arte e cultura – Italy, Genoa and its treasures of art and culture – Italië, Genoa en haar kunst- en culturele schatten

IT – Genova vi aspetta, con i suoi tesori di arte e cultura, i musei, le mostre dedicate ai pittori messicani Frida Kahlo e Diego Rivera al Palazzo Ducale fino all’8 febbraio 2015, e all’Arte Ottomana al Palazzo Nicolosio Lomellino fino al 14 dicembre 2014, l’Acquario e il Porto Antico e tante delizie della tipica cucina genovese da gustare. Gli alberghi e gli Uffici di Informazione Turistica sono pronti ad accogliervi!

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EN – Italy (Region Liguria) – Genoa is waiting for you, with its treasures of art and culture, its museums, the exhibitions, a.o., dedicated to the Mexican painters Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera running at the Palazzo Ducale until 8 February 2015, and the Ottoman Art hosted by the historical Palazzo Nicolosio Lomellino until 14 December 2014, the Aquarium and the Old Port, and many delights of the typical Genoese cuisine worth to taste! The hotels and the Tourist Information Offices are ready to welcome you!

More information can be found on:

NL – Italië (Gewest Ligurië) – Genoa staat voor u klaar met haar kunst- en culturele schatten, haar musea, haar tentoonstellingen, o.a., van de Mexicaanse schilders Frida Kahlo en Diego Rivera in de Palazzo Ducale te bezichtigen t/m 8 februari 2015, en van Ottomaanse kunst aangeboden door de historische Palazzo Nicolosio Lomellino t/m 14 december 2014, het Aquarium, de Oude Haven en de vele delicatessen en specialiteiten van de typische Genuese cuisine die de moeite waard zijn om te proeven! De hotels en de VVV-kantoren staan klaar om u te verwelkomen!

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