Beëdiging tolken en vertalers in Nederland

Sinds 1 januari 2009 is de Wet beëdigde tolken en vertalers (Wbtv) van kracht. 

Deze wet vervangt oude wetgeving over beëdigde vertalers en bepaalt ondermeer dat een grote groep afnemers uit het domein van justitie en politie, in het kader van straf- en vreemdelingenrecht, gebruik moet maken van beëdigde tolken en vertalers. Een van de instrumenten ter uitvoering van Wbtv is het Register beëdigde tolken en vertalers (Rbtv). In dit Register staan alle beëdigde tolken en vertalers geregistreerd.

Vanaf 1 maart 2015 worden meer instanties verplicht om beëdigde tolken en vertalers in te zetten.
De afnameplicht wordt per 1 maart 2015 uitgebreid met:
– de bijzondere opsporingsdiensten als bedoeld in artikel 2 van de Wet op de bijzondere opsporingsdiensten;
– Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland;
– de Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen;
– advocaten, voor zover in het kader van de verlening van gesubsidieerde rechtsbijstand als bedoeld in de Wet op de rechtsbijstand.

Beëdiging vindt sinds 1 januari 2009 plaats per vaardigheid. Dus eenmaal als tolk en/ of eenmaal als vertaler.
Tolken die op deze manier zijn beëdigd, hoeven niet meer per zitting de eed of gelofte af te leggen.
Vertalers moeten tevens hun handtekening bij de betreffende rechtbank deponeren ten behoeve van het legaliseren van handtekeningen op beëdigde vertalingen.

Verzoek tot beëdiging
Tolken en vertalers die zijn ingeschreven in het Register beëdigde tolken en vertalers ontvangen een bewijs van inschrijving. Met het bewijs van inschrijving moet de tolk of vertaler bij de rechtbank waaronder zijn woonplaats valt een verzoek tot beëdiging indienen. Tolken en vertalers die niet in Nederland wonen, worden door de rechtbank Den Haag beëdigd.

De bescheiden die moeten worden meegezonden met het verzoek tot beëdiging verschillen nogal per rechtbank. De ene rechtbank vereist het originele bewijs van inschrijving, een originele handtekening en paraaf en bijvoorbeeld een kopie van de Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag, bij de andere rechtbank kan worden volstaan met alleen een kopie van het bewijs van inschrijving.
Op de website van Bureau Wbtv is per rechtbank weergegeven welke documenten met het verzoekschrift moeten worden meegezonden en aan welke afdeling of sector de bescheiden toegestuurd moeten worden. Ook zijn op de website de contactgegevens van alle rechtbanken te vinden.

Opsturen akte van beëdiging
De beëdigde tolk of vertaler ontvangt van de rechtbank waar hij beëdigd is een akte van beëdiging (proces-verbaal). Deze akte moet binnen twee maanden na inschrijving in het Rbtv aan Bureau Wbtv overgelegd worden. Als een ingeschreven tolk of vertaler namelijk niet binnen twee maanden na inschrijving is beëdigd, kan de Raad voor Rechtsbijstand zijn inschrijving in het Rbtv doorhalen.

(Bron: Bureau Wbtv, NieuwsbriefNr. 22 )

Origine doganale delle merci: origine preferenziale e origine non preferenziale

L’idea che un prodotto, il suo progetto, la realizzazione dello stile, la realizzazione di eventuali disegni avvenga ad esempio in Italia non assume alcuna rilevanza per l’attribuzione dell’origine “italiana”.

Il concetto di “origine” è divenuto centrale non soltanto per ciò che riguarda l’iter doganale ma anche per la tutela dei consumatori, che hanno il diritto e l’esigenza di capire il luogo di effettiva produzione di una merce, per la tutela e l’uso esclusivo dei marchi di fabbrica, per la registrazione nazionale o internazionale dei marchi.

In ambito doganale, l’origine delle merci è un concetto complesso che riveste una importanza fondamentale: l’esatta individuazione dell’origine delle merci è essenziale per una corretta liquidazione dei tributi dovuti (con oneri e benefici previsti) e per non incorrere in sanzioni derivanti dalla mancata osservazione di restrizioni all’importazione o all’esportazione.

Il certificato di origine che viene rilasciato dalla competente Camera di Commercio è il documento che attesta, a livello internazionale, che la merce è stata effettivamente prodotta (o ha subito “l’ultima sostanziale trasformazione”) in uno specifico Paese. Naturalmente tale documento deve essere concepito come una sorta di “autodichiarazione” da parte dell’azienda, semplicemente avvalorata dalla CCIAA in quanto quest’ultima non ha alcun potere ispettivo e non può, se non in casi palesi, verificare direttamente l’eventuale non veridicità della dichiarazione aziendale. Nel caso pertanto in cui venga dimostrato che le merci non potevano godere del rilascio di tale attestazione, le conseguenze, che possono essere anche di carattere penale, ricadono esclusivamente sul soggetto che ha reso la dichiarazione e richiesto l’emissione del certificato, incorrendo nella fattispecie della “falsa dichiarazione di origine”.

Continua a leggere l’articolo qui

Il Jobs Act diventa legge, ma cosa significa questo anglicismo?

Jobs Act:
espressione inglese composta dai sostantivi job ‘lavoro’ e act ‘atto legislativo approvato e promulgato; legge’. (Treccani)

Nell’attuale normativa italiana Jobs Act significa più o meno Piano per il lavoro ovvero Piano del Governo per favorire il rilancio dell’occupazione e riformare il mercato del lavoro italiano, e per la semplificazione degli adempimenti a carico delle imprese

Continua a leggere qui
Fonte: Silverio Novelli

La Corte penale internazionale | The International Criminal Court | Het Internationaal Strafhof | La Cour pénale internationale

IT – La Corte penale internazionale (CPI) è il primo organo giudiziario permanente con giurisdizione internazionale relativamente a crimini contro l’umanità, crimini di guerra, crimini contro la pace e genocidio. La CPI è un’organizzazione internazionale indipendente, non fa parte delle Nazioni Unite (ONU) ma collabora con esse. È stata fondata nel 1998 ed è operativa dal 2002, ha sede all’Aia (Paesi Bassi) e conta oltre  120 paesi partecipanti, tra cui tutti gli Stati membri dell’UE.

Talvolta la CPI è confusa con la Corte internazionale di giustizia che si occupa solo di controversie legali tra Paesi e fa parte delle Nazioni Unite.
Continua a leggere qui
Understanding the International Criminal Court

EN – The International Criminal Court (ICC), governed by the Rome Statute, is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court; it is an independent international organization, is not part of the United Nations (UN) but works together with them. It was founded in 1998, has been operational since 2002, is based in The Hague (the Netherlands) and counts over 120 participating countries, including all EU countries.

The Court is empowered to judge individuals, heads of state and government who have committed genocide (total or partial destruction of a national, ethnical, racial or religious), crimes against humanity (acts such as murder, deportation, torture and other perpetrated as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population), war crimes (violations of international humanitarian law as intentionally directing attacks against civilian populations and objectives, which are part of a political program or take place on a large scale). The Statute also provides for crimes against peace (aggression), but the jurisdiction is subject to the introduction of a definition of aggression in a future amendment of the Statute itself.

The ICC is sometimes confused with the International Court only deals with legal disputes between countries and is part of the UN.
Read more here
Understanding the International Criminal Court

NL – Het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) werd in 2002 bij verdrag (Statuut van Rome) opgericht als onafhankelijk permanent straftribunaal, is een onafhankelijke internationale organisatie, het maakt geen deel uit van de Verenigde Naties (VN), maar werkt wel samen met de VN. Het ICC is een permanent hof dat is opgericht voor het berechten van personen die worden beschuldigd van volkerenmoord, misdaden tegen de menselijkheid en oorlogsmisdaden. Het werd in 1998 opgericht en is sinds 2002 operationeel. Het ICC zetelt in Den Haag en heeft ruim 120 deelnemende landen waaronder alle EU-landen.

Het ICC wordt soms verward met het Internationale Gerechtshof dat alleen rechtsgeschillen tussen landen behandelt en hoort bij de VN.
Lees meer hier
Understanding the International Criminal Court

FR – La Cour pénale internationale (CPI), régie par le Statut de Rome, est la première cour pénale internationale permanente créée par traité, est une organisation internationale indépendante, ne fait pas partie des Nations Unies (ONU) mais elle travaille en collaboration avec l’ONU. Elle a été fondée en 1998 et est opérationnel depuis 2002, a son siège à La Haye, aux Pays-Bas, et a plus de 120 pays participants, y compris tous les pays de l’UE.

La Cour a le pouvoir de juger les individus, les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement qui ont commis le génocide (destruction totale ou partielle d’un groupe national, ethnique, racial ou religieux), crimes contre l’humanité (actes tels que assassiner, la déportation, la torture et d’autres perpétrés dans le cadre d’une attaque généralisée ou systématique dirigée contre une population civile), et crimes de guerre (de violations du droit international humanitaire, de diriger intentionnellement des attaques contre les populations civiles et les objectifs, qui font partie d’un programme politique ou ont lieu sur une grande échelle). Le Statut prévoit aussi pour les crimes contre la paix (agression), mais la compétence est soumise à l’introduction d’une définition de l’agression dans une future modification du Statut lui-même.

La CPI est parfois confondue avec la Cour internationale de justice qui ne traite que des litiges juridiques entre les pays et fait partie de l’ONU.
Lire la suite ici
Mieux comprendre la Cour pénale internationale

Acconto Iva 2015: Autoriduzione per il regime per cassa

L’acconto Iva è obbligatorio al fine di effettuare il versamento nelle casse erariali nell’anno di “competenza” relativamente all’imposta dovuta per l’ultimo mese o trimestre il cui termine di versamento scade nell’anno successivo. L’acconto Iva può essere calcolato in base a tre diversi metodi: storico, previsionale o analitico.

Chi ha optato per l’Iva per cassa può ottenere una riduzione o un azzeramento dell’acconto.

È l’applicazione dei metodi analitico o previsionale a consentire ai contribuenti che hanno optato per il regime dell’Iva per cassa (articolo 32-bis del Dl 83/2012) l’opportunità di ridurre, o addirittura azzerare, il versamento dell’acconto in scadenza il prossimo 29 dicembre. Continua a leggere qui (Giuseppe Carucci – Il Sole 24 Ore)


The Italian Higher Education System

Higher education in Italy falls into three distinct categories:

– university education,

– higher-level artistic and musical training,

– higher-level technical training and other higher education opportunities.

Read more

The entire sector, but especially the university education category, underwent a radical renewal at the end of the 1990s, motivated both by choices of national significance and by the desire to bring the system into line with the European model outlined by the Bologna Process, which Italy has helped to promote from the outset.

In March 2010, along with the Bologna Process’ decade anniversary,  during the Budapest-Vienna Ministerial Conference, was launched the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to ensure more comparable, compatible and coherent systems of higher education in Europe.

How good is Italian for business?

By Sarah Gils

Italian is a Romance language and has approximately 70 million first language speakers. It is the official language of Italy and parts of Switzerland, as well as one of the official languages of the European Union.

Ialian is also used by minority communities in a number of countries including Malta, Libya, Somalia, Slovenia, Croatia, as well as by expatriate communities in the USA, UK, Argentina and Australia.

The Languages for the Future report of the British Council, the UK’s international cultural organisation, identified the ten languages most important and vital to the UK over the next 20 years:

Spanish, Arabic, French, Mandarin Chinese, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Turkish and Japanese.

Italian has given many words to English

Last year, the British Council’s English Effect exhibition revealed the influence that languages such as Italian have upon the English language. English words such as ‘solo’, ‘balcony’, ‘studio’, ‘malaria’ and ‘umbrella’ were all derived or adopted from Italian. The exhibition showed how Italian influenced the development of the English language in the past, and now research suggests that it should be recognised as an important language for the future of the UK, too.

Studying abroad in Flanders (Belgium) for Non-EU/EEA students

International study in Flanders (Belgium), in the heart of Europe
Flanders has two cities with highest quality of life for expats: Antwerp and Brussels.

Flanders is the Flemish (Dutch-speaking) Community of the federal Kingdom of Belgium, the northern part of Belgium, nestled between the Netherlands and France.
The capital of Flanders is Brussels, a capital it shares with Belgium and the European Union.

Flanders’ six million inhabitants live right at the crossroads of Europe. Amsterdam, Köln, London and Paris are all within a radius of 300 km.

Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French and German. Dutch (‘Flemish’) is spoken in Flanders. French is spoken in Wallonia, the southern part of Belgium, while German is spoken in the border region with Germany. The three language communities have their own state, with an elected parliament and government.

Brussels has a bilingual status. As the capital of Europe, it has become the headquarters of a long list of international organisations and companies. Read more

Higher Education in Flanders
The Higher Education Register is a legal register that contains all the accredited higher education programmes in Flanders, Belgium. All Bachelor and Master’s programmes need accreditation in order to be recognised as higher education programmes and to be able to award recognised degrees. Read more

Visa & Residence
Before you start your studies in Flanders, please visit the Belgian Embassy or Consulate in your country. They will help you with the proper formalities for entering Flanders, Belgium. Read more

Tuition, Costs & Grants
For all Bachelor and Master’s degrees at both universities and university colleges there is a yearly tuition fee.
Students from within the European Union will have to pay a minimum of 550 euro. For other nationalities the tuition fee will vay according to the type of programme.
There are reduced fees for students from certain developing countries. Read more

NARIC stands for “National Academic (and professional) Recognition and Information Centre”
Naric-Vlanderen is responsible for recognising the equivalence of foreign study certificates:
– recognition of foreign diplomas of higher education
– recognition of foreign diplomas of adult education
– recognition of foreign diplomas of secondary education




Study in the Netherlands for Non EU/EEA students

Holland or the Netherlands? What’s the difference between the two? 
The Netherlands is  often referred to as Holland. Nevertheless, the official name of the country is Kingdom of the Netherlands. The (Kingdom of the) Netherlands came into existence after Napoleon (1830) and between 1815 and 1830 also included Belgium.
The Netherlands consists out of twelve provinces. Two of them, North and South Holland, are the two provinces that together make Holland. The major cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague) are located in these two provinces. Due to the maritime and economic power of these provinces in the 17th century (Golden Age), the Netherlands became known worldwide as Holland.
To make matters even more confusing the inhabitants of the Netherlands are called Dutch.

On the base of European Agreement (see the Bologna Process), all in the Netherlands acquired degrees are internationally accredited.

When studying abroad, it normally cannot be expected that degree programs are offered in the own native language. Nevertheless, the Dutch universities prove internationality when it comes to this: many universities run various programmes in English or even German. Speaking a foreign language therefore does not necessarily have to be an obstacle when studying in the Netherlands. Read more


Visa conditions

To enter the Netherlands for study purposes, nationals from most countries need a visa. Once in the Netherlands, a residence permit or a work permit is often required.
Non EU/EEA students

Recognition of Academic Degrees

Just like many other countries, the Netherlands has been part of the ”Bologna Process”. This is a set of agreements between European countries to standardize education standards. Therefore, with a graduation at a Dutch university, a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree can be received. This system generally requires four to six years of study to successfully obtain a Master’s degree.

Annual Tuition Fees

1) Dutch & Foreign EU-students who come to the Netherlands to study
have to pay in the Netherlands annual tuition fees for 1,906 Euro (Tuition fees for 2014/2015) .
These fees can be paid in a single lump sum or in instalments.

All those who are older than 29 have to pay so called Instellingencollegegeld. The amount is from different university to university.

2) NON-EU-students normally have to pay much more than EU members,
the prices vary from 6,000 to 12,000 EUR and can be found on the corresponding university websites or ont Nuffic’s website

Nuffic is one of the largest and most prominent knowledge centres in Europe in the field of international recognition (descriptions and evaluations) of diplomas.

Location of Nuffic’s network of Nuffic Netherlands Education Support Offices (Nuffic Nesos)
Nuffic Nesos operates in locations strategically important for Dutch higher education:
Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.

Read more over 
– tuition fees, expenses, Dutch financial aid, scholarship / grants from home country and financial support for parents:,1,tuition_fees.html
– formalities like visa, work permit, insurance and living etc.:

– Is studying in the Netherlands free of charge?
– When should I apply?
– How long do study programmes at universities in the Netherlands take?
– Will I be able to receive student financial aid from the Dutch government?
– Once started in the Netherlands, will I be able to continue a study programme in my homeland?
– Where can I get advice should I have questions about studying in the Netherlands?
– I am interested in studying in the Netherlands, but I can’t speak the language, yet.
– Can I already apply at the university and then acquire the language skills?
– Are there any admission requirements for studying psychology?
– I cannot find my study programme on Studielink.
– I want to start studying in Febuary, but it is only possible to apply for September on Studielink.
– I have applied to a study programme on Studielink, but now I have seen that it is in Dutch. I wanted the English version, though.


Livelli europei delle lingue (CEFR) – Gemeenschappelijk Europees Referentiekader voor Talen (ERK of CEF) – Euopean language levels (CEFR) – Niveaux de langues européens (CECR)

IT – Livelli europei delle lingue (CEFR) – Scheda per l’autovalutazione

NL – Europese niveaus – Beschrijvingsschema voor zelfbeoordeling

EN – Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – Self-assessment grid

FR – Niveaux européens de langues – Grille d’autoévaluation